Espandar Products and Services

The result of the chemical reaction of limestone, clay and other additives under intense heat treatment in a furnace, which usually contains calcium silicate and aluminate. To produce gray clinker, raw materials such as iron oxide, clay, etc. are combined with limestone.

The result of grinding and mixing clinker and other additives (gypsum, slag, etc.) in a cement mill. Portland cement is the most common type of cement.

If the type of cement is not specified, type one cement is considered. This type of cement is used in situations with a low risk of sulfate attack and is used in the manufacture of ordinary concrete.

1-325: 28-day resistance of this cement is 325 kg / cm2

1-425: The 28-day resistance of this cement is 425 kg / cm2

This type of cement has the largest share of production in the country. This type of cement has low hydration heat and must be resistant to moderate sulfate attacks. Type 2 cement is used in groundwater systems with a high percentage of sulfate.

Anti-sulfate cement that is produced for use in concretes that have a high resistance to sulfates. This type of cement is used to build dams, bridges and underground structures due to its low hydration heat and very high resistance. The use of this cement is not recommended due to chlorinated chemical attacks in reinforced concrete.

This type has 15% pozzolan. Pozzolani cement is used in large structures and its advantage is its low heat hydration type. Although its short-term resistance is lower than other types, its resistance increases in the long run. The most important characteristic of this type is its high resistance to chemical attacks against chlorine and sulfate. Concrete made from this cement has low permeability, high durability and good resistance to chemical attacks.

This product contains 15 to 30% pozzolan. The grade of pozzolan in this cement can be changed according to the customer's wishes. This type of cement is used in the construction of dams.

With 92% purity, this product is the highest quality type of lime produced, which is widely used in the market. Its most important customers are oil refineries, power plants, the Water and Sewerage Organization, and the copper and steel industries. This product is the main product of Espandar.

Special product for pewter. Hydrated Espandar lime, which is produced only in Azarshahr lime, has 96% purity. The customers of this product are petrochemical and chlorine industries.

High purity lime is most used in poultry and fish farming industries.

Clump lime is most used in the steel industry. The grain size of this product is between 40 to 100 mm.

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